Well...it's been a busy week so far. Today is self studies day... and I actually went to uni and stayed till 8pm! I think there's something wrong with me! Really tired though. I had 3 cups of coffee today...probably gonna be up till 3am! Gonna make a nice cuppa and have some cookies! yum yum biscuits in my tum! I'm watching Greys Anatomy at the moment. I've watched the first season on dvd about 10 times. I don't have t.v. in my little box room, so I tend to play my dvds over and over and over and over and over again. I don't think I pay too much attention to it, I just like to have something playing. If I did have a t.v. I'd leave it on, put the t.v. on mute, and play my tunes on the comp. It's a weird thing I do, a waste of electricity as well. I miss going to sleep with the t.v. on. (here's a random pic of me and crissy. had a huge day of shopping and lots of inspiration)